2024 Official Merchandise
In one simple action, by wearing an orange shirt, you are acknowledging the pains of residential school, while contributing to create a future where indigenous communities are included and honoured.
Copyright & Trademark Notice
The Orange Shirt Society (the “Society”) is the owner of several trademarks, including the phrase EVERY CHILD MATTERS. Only the Society and its authorized licensees may use the trademark EVERY CHILD MATTERS in association with merchandise.
The Society also owns the rights, including copyright, to the official Orange Shirt Designs for the years 2020 to 2024 (the “Official Designs”). None of the Official Designs can be used in any way without prior written consent from the Society. The unauthorized use of Official Designs or the trademark EVERY CHILD MATTERS may constitute infringement and result in liability.
Any person wishing to use the trademark EVERY CHILD MATTERS with a different design (a “Non-Official Design”) that is not one of the Official Designs must first obtain prior written consent from the Society. Consent can be requested by email to licensing@orangeshirtday.org. Any merchandise advertised, sold, or distributed in association with the trademark EVERY CHILD MATTERS and a Non-Official Design cannot be marketed and advertised with the word “official”.
All use of the trademark EVERY CHILD MATTERS or the Official Designs must be in compliance with the Orange Shirt Society Branding & Copyright Policy.
Please email licensing@orangeshirtday.org for more information.
Want to order shirts for your school, organization or business? We have partnerships to supply shirts and other merchandise across Canada! Get in touch, or order from one of our official retailers:
Premiere Retailers
London Drugs – Available in stores, while supplies last
Thrifty Foods – Available in stores, while supplies last
Other OSS Retailers


About the 2024 Design
We are extremely excited to announce our 2024 Every Child Matters Orange Shirt Design! A HUGE congratulations to our contest winner, Aliyah Bautista, for her beautiful design.
Aliyah is a grade 11 student from Ponoka, Alberta. Her design features a child in the middle to represent the “I” in child. However, it is also to honour those who have died as a result of the Indian Residential Schools or are healing from them. It’s to remind people that all children are important. To Aliyah, Orange Shirt Day is an opportunity to recognize how many individuals have lost their families and cultures as a result of residential schools. Participating in Orange Shirt Day honours those who have lost their freedom, language, and worth, and raises awareness about the damage done by the schools and respects those that attended them.
Thank you again, Aliyah, for your meaningful design and for your help in raising awareness on the impacts of Indian Residential Schools.